America is the land of BBQ, although the Australians might object to this statement, but truly, when you think of America, you think of BBQ, amongst other things, that I chose not to mention. Don’t want to get too political. Let me reiterate, if you are a foodie, BBQ is what you think of of America.
Most BBQ places in America, cooked their meat by smoking them, so some places get it right by calling them as smokehouses. But some places still stick to the name of BBQ. For me personally, BBQ or barbecue means grill. I guess I have a heavy Australian influence, when they say “put it on the barbie”, means put it on the grill. So I wonder what the differences are.
Without any research I came to this conclusion, when you put coals in the grill, they create smoke, using that smoke to cook your meat instead of the fire, makes it sound like grilling and smoking are like sisters, two peas in a pod, or in this case, two animals in a grill. One takes couple minutes to cook another takes 18 hours. That is all just technicalities.

So whether your favorite hotspot is called BBQ or smokehouse or none of the two, it doesn’t matter cause they all provide the same thing for us meat lovers, unlimited amount of juicy meat. Here is just one of my regular spots in Manhattan, that I really enjoyed. When I entered Dinosaur Bar-B-Que for the first time, I felt like I was in a ranch somewhere in Texas. The ambiance just takes you right there. The place is always full with diners and fun. The service was impeccable, and the food is amazing!
They have six ranch houses in New York and one in New Jersey. My favorite is the combination plates pick 3, meaning pick 3 types of protein/meat. All combination plates comes with two sides and corn bread. Sometimes I go with sweetheart deal for two -although I enjoy it alone, that is a full rack of ribs with four sides. But whatever I choose from the menu, I stay away from BBQ sauce, I don’t like BBQ sauce, they ruin the taste of perfectly cooked meat. I only eat BBQ sauce with chicken nuggets, cause I wasn’t even sure, there is chicken in it. That is a whole other blog to write.