Sauté Mushrooms with Garlic

I used champignon mushrooms for this recipe, seems like that is the only type of mushrooms I could find in Indonesia, that is perfect to sauté with garlic. There are lots of Asian mushrooms of course, ranging from dried to fresh. Actually if money is no object you can get anything you want here so that’s not bad, at least you know you got options.

This is for lazy day or when you have too many leftover mushrooms in the fridge, obviously adjust the recipe if you only have half pound or less mushrooms. But it packed with so much flavor, which made me wonder, I literally only used salt as seasoning. I served this with toast and it was great!


1 lb. white or brown mushrooms 

2 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp butter

4 cloves garlic -minced

Parsley for garnish



  • Gently wipe mushrooms with a damp paper towel and slice them into halves.
  • In a medium pan over medium high heat, add oil & butter until melted and swirl them up until the pan is nice and hot.
  • Get the mushrooms into the pan and let them sit for about 3-4 minutes until they are brown on one side. 
  • Reduce heat to medium then add minced garlic and let it cook for another minute. Stir to coat the mushrooms completely with garlic and oil and cook for an additional minute. 
  • Season with salt and sprinkle with parsley, remove from heat and enjoy!

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