No Churn Matcha Ice Cream with White Chocolate Sauce

I wonder what is the better match than matcha and white chocolate. When it comes to dessert, I am as boring as drinking water. I only like chocolate ice cream and maybe if I feel a little wild, I went with neapolitan. But a trip to Japan many years ago change my mind. My favorite ice cream now is matcha! For the reason of not being overly sweet. I am more like a savory kinda gal.

Now in Indonesia, there are not many brand options when I crave matcha ice cream and the only brand that serves matcha, they are expensive. And with the lockdown and everything, it wasn’t very convenient to get ice cream delivery, I personally don’t like melted ice cream. So desperate time calls for creative outcome. I made my own matcha ice cream!

I love eating it as is, but top it with white chocolate sauce and some crunch from shaved almond is literally a dream. Not only I was having a dream for dessert, this also forced me to do more exercise! I gotta burn this later, twice as hard. But it’s all worth it.


For Ice Cream

3 tbsp great quality matcha powder

2 cups of heavy whipping cream

1 cup of sweetened condensed milk

1 tbsp vanilla extract (optional)

For White Chocolate Sauce

2 tbsp butter

1/2 cup of white chocolate chips

1/4 cup heavy cream


For Ice Cream

  • Put a large metal bowl in the freezer for at least 20 minutes. 
  • Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, combine matcha powder, condensed milk and vanilla extract (if using) and whisk them well.
  • In the chilled metal bowl, whip cream until almost stiff peaks. 
  • Scoop about 1 cup of the whipped cream and combine it with the matcha mixture to thin out. 
  • Combine the thinned out matcha mixture with the rest of the cream until homogeneous.
  • Transfer the combined mixture into a clean freeze safe dish, covered. 
  • Freeze for a minimum of six hours before serving. 

For White Chocolate Sauce

  • In a small pot over low heat, melt the butter completely.
  • Add the white chocolate chips and stir constantly until the chocolate has melted. 
  • Slowly add the heavy cream and keep stirring until the sauce thickens. 
  • Remove from heat and drizzle on top of any dessert.

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